Collection of Projects
Here I present samples of my work. The little icons in the top right corner indicate what kind of media category is presented. In a general way they also represent the client’s industry, which may help you to find what is pertinent for you.

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CCTV China
NHNZ subcontracted me for a 3 part documentary series for China TV about the history of the Silk Road. The most exciting sequence that I got to produce from design to finish was a shot sequence describing the bombardment of Constantinople by the Ottomans.
University of Otago
A little robot was built, animated and shot to the moon in an interactive augmented reality (AR) experience.
RNZ / Maori TV
Maori warriors and colonial British soldiers were built and animated by BurningFish as well as the battle scenes enhanced by fire, smoke and debris for this documentary about an infamous armed conflict in NZ in 1845.
Salient Film
Sally Williams’ lovely and whimsical indie documentary about the life of illustrator and artist James Stevenson premiers at the 2019 New York City documentary film festival. BurningFish Productions cleaned up and prepared the assets and made them available to the team. I also designed the marketing concept, webpage and film poster and provided the original concepts for some hand drawn animations.
Coromandel Film Collective
This is an indie documentary film that tells the story of New Zealand’s Kauri trees, that suffer from dieback disease. BurningFish Productions provided animated microscopic overlays to make the infection visible to the viewer.
This has been a demo for augmented 3D content in a children’s book. The map on the inner cover of each book was augmented with an animated 3D world by BurningFish Productions.
Salient Film
Between 1959 and 1972 the unheralded yet pivotal New York artist Ken Dewey reimagined the function of art in society.
Burningfish produced the graphics and the film poster for this Indie Film, which was selected for the New York Documentary festival in 2016.
Science Photo Library in London is building up a series of images called “Global Vision” which help the viewer to understand the Earth as one interconnected system.
Moving Pixel Production contracted Burning Fish to visualise how Oritain uses genetic markers to determine the geographical origin of food sources.
Toitu Museum
A contemporary and exciting exhibition of archaeological artifacts, presented by ghosts from the past.
Christchurch City Council
As part of a larger video about the Christchurch rebuild I provided an underwater scene of a healthy river environment
Wallaby Production
15 short films for the government of Qatar for their upcoming National Day celebrations were showing off the dream jobs of Qatari children projected into the future.
BMW Flytime
BurningFish produced some explanatory animation for a video that BMW Yachtsport published to explain theiir new Flytime sensor technology, developed for the America’s cup races.
BurnigFish was contracted to build an architectural model and an animation that would explain airflows within a virtual home.
Dunedin Aquarium
A display simulating a dive to the bottom of a deep sea canyon off the NZ coast.
AD Instruments
A video capturing the relationship between an ECG and the blood flow around the heart.
Animal Planet
Animal Planet had commissioned a 13-part series where BurningFish contributed mainly the big sweeping landscape shots that were required to bring this series to life.
National Geographic
A documentary commissioned by National Geographic about the magical powers that some spider species poccess.
Discovery Channel
“The Canton TV Tower” was an episode of Discovery Channel’s “Megastructures” series about the Guangzhou TV Tower in China.
BurningFish produced a transition sequence from traditional canoes/waka to the racing catamaran used during the America’s Cup challenge in San Francisco.
Dunedin City Council was looking to present progress in its Economic Development Strategy. BurningFish did the Motion Graphics in this video.
Silverfern Farms was having an awards ceremony, celebrating the best chefs in the country creating dishes with their products.
Rio Tinto Mining Operations in Western Australia were doing a risk assessment for their port facilities in case of a cyclone hitting the coast.
A stereoscopic 3D cinema trailer for the World of Wearable Arts (WoW) festival in Wellington.